Our Chinese New Year event at the Waterfront Museum on February 9th was a huge success, welcoming an incredible 4,288 visitors—the highest turnout since before the pandemic! A heartfelt thank…
此项目主要为在卡迪夫的华人而设,旨在给需要的人在寒冬时节保持温暖和身心健康。我们提供热食热饮给报名的人士。 希望参与者出席我们举办的省电讲座会。 同时,为了让家里更暖并且节省能源,我们还免费赠送暖板热气反射铝箔。一共80份,让80个家庭受惠。 马上报名并且亲临以下地点领取: This project aims to provide a warm space to improve wellbeing of the Chinese community in Cardiff during the winter time. Hot tea and meals, workshops…
Please be aware of opportunistic criminals this festive season who will look to target houses and businesses for high value items, such as designer goods and jewellery. Unlocked windows or…
In total, 120 items were donated to Swansea Matthew’s House for distribution to the homeless. A big thank you to the Chinese Community in Swansea who donated the items and…
Good news! The Welsh Government is giving out money again! If you are an unpaid carer (i.e. someone who receives carer’s allowance), you are eligible to apply for a one-off…
Good news! The UK government will continue to provide living allowances to low-income families in 2023/24! The total amount is £900, which will be paid in three installments: The first…
Good news! The UK government will continue to provide living allowances to low-income families in 2023/24! The total amount is £900, which will be paid in three installments: The first…
High engagement session we had yesterday! The participants found this topic relevant and useful for parenting. How they wished they learned about this ages ago for the benefits of their…
This talk was beneficial to our Chinese community which runs takeaways, business, and private lettings. Business owners and those who intend to start a business that involves the exchange of…
CIWA received a total of 75 items from the Chinese community and donated to Matthew’s House yesterday. Thank you to all donors! We encourage people to keep up the good…
A very informative talk by Emma Chadwick from the NHS to allow our community to understand screenings available and how to access them. She also shared the signs and symptoms…
Wet and cold are set to stay throughout the seasons. CIWA is running a Donation Campaign for people who are in need. All items donated will go to Matthew’s House…