Our online hate crime reporting service covers the whole Wales. Please call/email us if our service would be useful to you. Please also do not hesitate to refer any cases to us. Our contact details are shown below.

Phone number:

01792 469919

Email address:

Signee of Hate Crime Charter with Victim Support

HC Charter Trustmark 1

Chinese In Wales Association is proud to be one of the organisations supporting victims of all crime, especially hate crime in any form or nature. CIWA WILL NOT share your information with any third party organisations without your explicit consent unless if it is going to cause harm to yourself or anyone else (in this case we will have to report to law enforcement bodies in the UK).

We pledged that -

Anyone comes to us for any hate crime will have:

  • The Right to be Heard
  • The Right to Report Hate Crime
  • The Right to Free and Confidential Support
  • The Right to be Treated with Respect
  • The Right to Privacy
  • The Right to Information
  • The Right to Make a Complaint

For detailed descriptions of our pledge, please visit:

Pledgee of Zero Racism Wales

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Chinese In Wales Association commits to promoting a zero tolerance to racism throughout the Chinese In Wales Association, this means that:

We pledged that -

  • We will take a stand against racism and promote a more inclusive and equal society for all.
  • We will not tolerate racial prejudice, discrimination, harassment, victimisation, abuse, or violence against any individual.
  • We will stand in solidarity, come together, and say no to racism, in all its forms.
  • We will promote good race relations between people from diverse ethnic backgrounds in Chinese In Wales Association.
  • We will promote equal and fair opportunities for people from diverse ethnic backgrounds to attain promotion.
  • We will eliminate unlawful race discrimination, harassment, victimisation and abuse.

For detailed descriptions of our pledge, please visit: