
Ammanford Fun Morning by Mr. Chan and Bonnie Cheng / Bore o Hwyl yn Rhydaman Yng nghwmni Mr Chan a Bonnie Cheng

Cultural, Dragon Festival, Educational, Events and Activities, Photo Gallery

A combination of traditional Chinese brush painting, calligraphy, tea tasting and knotting craft all under one roof.

A great opportunity for the whole family to be together but participate in their own activities, learn something new and share with each other after.
Our artist, Mr. Chan, is a hidden gem from Glanamman; he has lived there for over 40 years, but this is the first time he shared his skills with fellow citizens. His taster Chinese painting class was attended by experienced artists, some of whom teach children to sketch, and some who run their own art clubs. It was a mixture of talents and a fantastic opportunity to share skills.
Parents who came with their children enjoyed it as much as their young ones. One mother even managed to find an art teacher for her son; she was over the moon! An artist said she hasn’t painted for years, after today’s sessions, she is going to dig all her brushes out and start painting again. A local art group also asked Mr. Chan to consider running regular sessions at their venue.
Bonnie, who carried out the knotting craft with the children and mums, also had many positive comments; one mum said she could sit there and do it all day as it was so relaxing.
A participant who came to join the workshop ended up overseeing the tea art, it turned out that she was a tea artist!
We felt that our project mission was very much fulfilled in this event.

Thank you to the South Wales Guardian for promoting this event, thanks to Ammanford Library, and thank you to all those who came.

Cyfuniad o baentio brwsh Tsieineaiddtraddodiadol, caligraffeg, blasu te a chrefft clymau i gyd o dan yr un to. Cyfle gwych i’r teulu cyfan fod gyda’i gilydd yn cymryd rhan mewn gweithgareddau amrywiol, dysgu rhywbeth newydd ac yna rhannu’u profiadau gyda’i gilydd.

Mae ein harlunydd, Mr. Chan, yn berl cudd o Lanaman; mae wedi byw yno ers dros 40
mlynedd, ond dyma’r tro cyntaf iddo rannu ei sgiliau gyda’i gyd-ddinasyddion. Mynychwyd ei ddosbarth blasu paentio Tsieineaidd gan artistiaid profiadol – rhai sy’n dysgu plant i fraslunio a rhai sy’n rhedeg eu clybiau celf eu hunain. Roedd yn gymysgedd o dalentau ac yn gyfle gwych i rannu sgiliau. Roedd rhieni a ddaeth gyda’u plant wedi mwynhau llawn
gymaint. Llwyddodd un fam hyd yn oed i ddod o hyd i athro celf i;w mab; roedd hi wrth ei
bodd! Dywedodd un artist nad yw hi wedi peintio ers blynyddoedd ond ar ôl y sesiynau
heddiw, mae hin mynd i ddod o hyd i’w brwsys i gyd a dechrau peintio eto. Gofynnodd grŵp celf lleol hefyd i Mr. Chan ystyried cynnal sesiynau rheolaidd yn eu lleoliad.
Cafwyd llawer o sylwadau cadarnhaol hefyd am Bonnie a wnaeth arddangos y grefft o glymu
gyda’r plant a’r mamau; dywedodd un fam y gallai eistedd yno a’i wneud drwy’r dydd gan ei fod mor ymlaciol. Diweddodd un, a ddaeth i ymuno â’r gweithdy, yn goruchwylio’r gelfyddyd te gan ei bod hi’n artist te! Roeddem yn teimlo bod cenhadaeth ein
prosiect wedi’i llwyr gyflawni yn y digwyddiad hwn.
Diolch i’r South Wales Guardian am hyrwyddo’r
digwyddiad hwn, diolch i Lyfrgell Rhydaman, a
diolch i bawb a fynychodd.

Children and Young People
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Tea Ceremony and Brush Painting by Yixuan and Xinyu
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Tea Ceremony by Bonnie Cheng

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