
Children Paper Origami and Chinese Bracelet Craft by Suzanne Chung

Cultural, Dragon Festival, Educational, Events and Activities, Photo Gallery
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CIWA hosted a children craft session on 10th August at Swansea Wellbeing Centre. Suzanne taught them how to make beautiful Chinese bracelets and paper butterflies.

Parent’s comment:
I just wanted to say how much my daughter Annie enjoyed the workshop today. She has said several times since we left how much she would like to do another workshop . She’d love to have a chance to make the paper frogs, do brushwork or any other arts & crafts.
The ladies were all so patient, kind and lovely with the children. The venue was really great too; so calm & clean.
Please pass on my thanks to the ladies who led the session and to yourself for helping to organise!
From another parent;
Ms Chung, my son enjoyed the craft session a lot. He asked to attend the paper dragon session next time as he is very interested in it.
华协于8月10日在Swansea Wellbeing Centre举办一场儿童手工活动。当天吸引力不少孩子来参加,也获得了家长的好评。Suzanne教孩子们做精美的中国绳结手镯和纸蝴蝶。
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