
Chinese New Year 2018

Cultural, Events and Activities

Combining the nurturing of Chinese heritage and Chinese culture with the building of cohesion with our Wales community, the Chinese in Wales Association (CIWA) has diligently worked with the Confucius Institute at the University of Wales Trinity Saint David to produce a suite of educational materials for Chinese New Year (CNY) 2018, the Year of the Dog. These educational materials contain Chinese cultural information related to CNY’s diverse arts and crafts, inclusive of a related video link and along with a simple page of a downloadable educational PowerPoint to introduce CNY to all of Wales!

The CIWA wants the younger generation in Wales to be provided with the opportunity to explore the full colour and excitement of this Chinese cultural festival, knowing the background, as well as taking part in Chinese art and craft. The CIWA is committed to supporting school teachers by ensuring accessibility to the right materials. The hope is to facilitate the building the cohesion between the Chinese Community and other communities in Wales, starting within the local schools between pupils, and extended to teachers and parents, right out into the wider local community. Knowing and learning about the different cultures that exist all around us in Wales will provide people with a rich understanding of their neighbours, better chances in life and a better environment to live in.

CIWA is seeking to foster a sense of joint community and cultural sharing, to build friendlier, stronger and better relationships, through education, social projects and through bridge-building community based partnerships. Please contact us if you require any further information and do let us know if you use our materials, we’d love to hear from you!

Our Facebook and Twitter is @chineseinwales.

Click the below to find out more about Chinese New Year for you and your students/children, try your hand at Origami or quiz and be sure to read the exciting story of Nian the monster!:

Fundraise for us!

In a separate note, we ask the school to support us to fundraise for us to maintain and promote the Chinese Culture in Wales. Children wear red (a colour in the Chinese Culture represents Good Luck) or Chinese costume to school and donate £1 anyday between 1st to 16th February 2018.
Money received by school can be donated to us via localgiving or send the cheque payable to :

Chinese in Wales Association

2nd Floor, 37-38 Kingsway,

Swansea SA1 5LF.

We thank you in advance for your generosity.

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Chinese New Year 2019

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