
Button Bookmaking Puppetry RWCMD by Apple Ding

Cultural, Dragon Festival, Educational, Events and Activities, Photo Gallery
PHOTO 2023 07 25 11 45 55 7 1
In order to give artists in the Cardiff area a self-improvement in arts, CIWA held a button book workshop and a puppetry and mask workshop at the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama on 19th July and 21st July respectively. The main theme of this event is promoting environmental protection. So, the artists used waste paper and old buttons to make beautiful artworks.
A participant – Lucy Donald provided some feedback after the session;

The workshop was extremely inspiring and myself and Gemma (who also took part) and we will be adapting some of the ideas for a children’s workshop in the summer. We are going to recycle plastic milk bottles to make the body and maybe smaller plastic packaging for the head of the puppet and attach the mouth with a clothes peg and other details like wings and legs using recycled card from cereal boxes and tape.

We loved creating the characters and learning about Chinese mythology.

Thanks so much for sharing your work and techniques with us “

Children and Young People
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Craft at Gigi Gao by Weixin Liu
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Calligraphy and Baduanjin by Fan Wang and Suzanne Chung

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