
Chinese knots and Tea ceremony By: Bonnie Cheng

Cultural, Dragon Festival, Educational, Events and Activities, Photo Gallery
PHOTO 2023 07 13 16 37 58

Chinese knotting, also known as zhong guo jie, 中国结, and decorative knots in non-Chinese cultures. It is one of the most common folk-arts still seen today in China, even though most knots are mass-produced in factories. Traditionally made of silk, they are now usually made of red paracord as red is the auspicious colour in China. We will crest dragonfly and bracelets.

Chinese tea ceremony 茶道 is one of Chinese most famous traditional customs, and for centuries it has been integral to Chinese culture. There are several different kinds of Chinese tea ceremony. In this session we will lean about the rituals of tea ceremony and taste test a variety of teas.

CIWA hosted a Chinese Knotting event at the Cardiff Central Library on 7th July 2023. Before teaching the Chinese knotting, Bonnie Cheng showed the participants some of her works such as swans. Chinese participants were teaching non-Chinese participants to make their bracelets and dragonflies and they were enjoying the session!
Here are some feedback from some of the attendees!
“I like this event because I love Chinese culture. I always want to know why dragon is so important to Chinese people and I have found the answers through this session.”
“I enjoyed the Chinese knotting craft workshop as I made many new friends through this public event.”
“I always want to visit China and this tea ceremony had brought me there. I love the tea aroma and I enjoyed the tasting session.”
华协于2023年7月5日在 Cardiff Central Library 大厅举办了中国绳结工作坊。Bonnie 为大家展示了一些她的作品,如手环、蜻蜓、天鹅等等。一些华裔朋友还教了非华裔朋友打中国结、制作独特的蜻蜓。 
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