General Advocacy

Providing advice, information, and referrals to individuals, as well as casework advocacy to help address their needs. These services aim to empower individuals by providing them with the support they need to access their rights and entitlements, and to feel included and connected to their communities.


Have you ever encountered any of the following situations?

Are you having problems in your daily life but don’t know where to seek help?
Want to use public services but face language barriers?
Feel like your best interests are not being taken into account?
Unable to communicate your personal opinions to authorized institutions on your own?

Advocacy for the minority groups is very important, it is not just about bridging the language gap, but also guaranteed representation in legislative and advisory bodies.

Our project will support the Chinese community to speak up about their experiences, values, and expectations. It enables them to find a stronger voice, to campaign and influence the agendas and decisions that shape and affect their lives.

Besides helping the service users we can also assist the service providers, so that they can offer an equal and effective service, without our assistance, they will not know what is working well, where gaps are in service and how best to target resources. We help legislators for policy makers to create opportunities for people to challenge discrimination and inequality. Furthermore we help our community to become more active and contributing citizens.

The scope of casework team covers:

Provide advocacy, advice and information to ethnic Chinese residents.
Help them to overcome language barrier when accessing local services.
Relay the voice of Chinese community to local authorities.
Provide 1 to 1 support for individuals with disabilities or long-term conditions, asylum seekers, refugees, older people, victim of crime and beyond.

Our outreach advocacy service covers Swansea or Cardiff area, online support covers Pan-Wales. Please contact us if our service would be useful to you. Please also do not hesitate to refer any cases to us. Or contact details are shown below.

[email protected]

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