Events and Activities

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Cardiff Warm Cha 暖意满屋

此项目主要为在卡迪夫的华人而设,旨在给需要的人在寒冬时节保持温暖和身心健康。我们提供热食热饮给报名的人士。 希望参与者出席我们举办的省电讲座会。 同时,为了让家里更暖并且节省能源,我们还免费赠送暖板热气反射铝箔。一共80份,让80个家庭受惠。 马上报名并且亲临以下地点领取: This project aims to provide a warm space to improve wellbeing of the Chinese community in Cardiff during the winter time. Hot tea and meals, workshops…
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Warm Cha Corner

Join us for our weekly Warm Cha Corner every Wednesday from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm. Current sessions run on the following dates: January: 8th, 15th, 22nd, 2025 February: 5th,…
Sing along Classic A4poster

Sing Along Classic Sessions

Our weekly Sing Along Classic is on Mondays at 10:00am till 12:00pm. Current sessions run on Mondays. Dates: January 13,20, 27, 2025, February 3,10,17 ,2025, March 3, 10, 17. Venue:…
CIWA P Wong interview

8th Interview

Filmmaker Mr. Mike Erskine created the film. Interviewee Mr. Peter Wong Cllr Cardiff shared his story growing up in Wales.
CIWA Mr Peng older

5th and 6th Interview

Filmmaker Mr. Jamie Panton created the film. Interviewee Mr and Mrs. Peng shared their story about migrating to Wales.
CIWA Linda Interview

2nd and 3rd Interview

Filmmaker Mr. Martin Williams created the film. Interviewee Ms. Lai and Ms. Yip Man shared their stories about moving and living in Wales.
CIWA Suzanne interview

First interview!

A great day for the team filming the first interview of the project. Filmmaker Mr. Mike Erskine from MudandThunder created the film. Interviewer Mr. Neo Tsang and Ms. Chung had…
TaiChiBDJiJul Sep2024

Taichi Ba Duan Jin and Tea

Our weekly Yoga session is on Mondays at 10:15am till 11:15am. Current sessions run on Monday, July: 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th, August: 5th, 19th, September: 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd…
Chinese Ink Painting 219824Draft

Chinese Ink Painting

Chinese in Wales Association invites 20 attendants of 50 and older to learn Chinese Ink Painting, to promote wellbeing. Date: Wednesday, 21st August 2024 Time: 1:00pm – 3:00pm Venue: Dockside…
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