
News, information and updates about our organization and our activities.

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Parent carers printmaking event

Look at that! Isn’t this fantastic!! We had another great turn out for our parent carer event, this time we had the opportunity to learn printmaking, and having a fun…
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Children’s boating trip

A boating trip with Copper Jack Tawe River Cruises in gentle rain made for an unforgettable day. As raindrops danced on the windows, they fogged up, prompting parents and children…
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Weekly Tea & Chat

Our weekly Tea & Chat is on Fridays at 11am till 1pm, partnership with Swansea Council and Action for Elders. This is a great excuse to get together with your…
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The King’s Coronation Celebration

To celebrate the King’s Coronation, Chinese in Wales Association Advocacy team project officer Foo Seng Thean organised a Coronation celebration party at the Swansea Grand Theatre IT Hub. There was…
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Digital Inclusion – Swansea

CIWA Older member project manager Yen Yen Lai hosts a Digital Inclusion class at Swansea Grand Theatre IT Hub. This is a seasonal class and subject to limited availability. Hopefully…
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Weekly Marina Walk

Our weekly Marina Walk is on Thursdays at 10:15am till 12noon, partnership with Swansea Council and Action for Elders. This flat surface walk divided to 3 walking capability groups, each…
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Chinese Dance Class

Dancing improves mood, increases energy levels and releases endorphins which make people feel better about themselves. One study showed dancing for just 25 minutes reduced the symptoms of depression by…
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Bangor Brush Painting Master Class

CIWA hosted a Chinese brush painting master class at Bangor University on the 6th September for local artists. Li Mang taught the participants how to paint shrimps and flowers by…
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Tai Chi Day

CIWA hosted a Tai Chi Day on the 21st August at Weston Park. Master Faye taught the participants simple Tai Chi movements. Li Mang, a famous artist also attended, the…
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