
Tribute to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

Announcements, Cultural, Events and Activities, Living in Welsh

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II (1926-2022)

The term paper serves a dual purpose: it enables the student define and compose her or his major thesis; and it provides the student a chance to express the study and writing skills he or she has acquired, and to show what other interests and skills he or she might essay helper have.

Send a message of condolence

We are deeply saddened by the passing of Her Majesty and we join the world in mourning the death of Queen Elizabeth II.

If you would like to send your message of condolence to the Royal Family, please click here to access The Royal Family’s official website.

A selection of messages will be passed onto members of the Royal Family, and may be held in the Royal Archives for posterity.

Below is our charity’s Honorary Patron Mrs Wai Fong Lee MBE‘s tribute to HM Queen Elizabeth II.

Tribute To Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

On behalf of everyone at the Swansea Chinese Community in South Wales we are all deeply saddened by the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. We send our condolences and prayers to the Royal Family during this period of mourning.

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II was an inspiration and beacon of hope tor all ethic minorities around the world. Her commitment to world peace, equality and uniting people from all backgrounds and origins has created a culturally rich, diverse and thriving United Kingdom. The Swansea Chinese Community Co-Op Centre was very honoured to receive the Queen’s Award in 2005 for services to the community. Such recognition gives community workers purpose and energy to continue creating opportunities and bright futures for all those in need. We thank you again Your Majesty.

On a personal note, I was very fortunate to meet Her Majesty on a couple of occasions. I am forever grateful for her time and supportive words of encouragement towards all community, cultural and charitable matters. An exemplar human being, I’ve always admired her sense of duty, dedication to work, devotion to her country and the love for her family. In times of unprecedented change she remained a constant source of guiding strength throughout the years. She was truly an extraordinary person and someone we can all aspire to be like.

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II will be ever missed but never forgotten, she will always be remembered as one of the most influential and loved sovereigns in British-Chinese history.

Wai Fong Lee MBE
Former Chairperson Swansea Chinese Community Co-Op Centre
Honarary Patron of Chinese In Wales Association

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