
Care for Our Beach

Events and Activities, Health and Self-Care, Living in Welsh
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What’s happening?

Climate change warms the ocean that causes a rise in sea level and changes ocean currents.

Greater carbon dioxide in the atmosphere causes acidification in the ocean and weakens sea animals’ shells and exoskeletons, that includes coral reefs.

When ice sheets and glaciers melt, it adds water volume to the ocean causing a global increase in water level, which can inundate low-lying land and important coastal environments.

When sea ice melts, it adds freshwater to the ocean which reduces the saltiness of the sea. Saltiness and temperature are the drivers of ocean currents that move heat and nutrients around the world. Melting sea ice and rising temperatures can disrupt these currents, not only affecting the wildlife that depends on them but also, potentially local climates.

How can we help?

Think before we buy, eat and do anything in our daily activities.

Use and buy less plastic, and recycle them if possible.

Tidy up after enjoying a fun day at the beach, and leave no litter.

Leave the wildlife alone, there are plenty more fish and shellfish to enjoy in the marketplace.

Plants in the wild grow for a reason. Think of the animal and wildlife whose lives depend on the fruits and produce from the ground.

Choose walking, cycling, or public transport to replace driving.

What We Did

On August 10th, the Chinese In Wales Association team and volunteers participated in the Beach Festival organized by the Swansea Council and Swansea Ageing Well Group. Our mission on that day was to promote the Care for Our Beach campaign. In addition to distributing flyers to raise awareness of caring for the beach and nature, we also sent the bookmarks of “Care for Our Beach” to everyone, hoping to make a difference to protect the beautiful Welsh beaches and stunning landscapes.

We must appreciate the mountains, waters, and beautiful scenery. But whether or not the beauty will last depends on our attitude toward the environment today.

We generally work hard for the lives of the next generation, and this land is a place where our children are nurtured. And whether this place can provide a clean and secure life for children and grandchildren in the near future depends on how we protect the environment today. Therefore, it is hoped that parents can encourage their children to care for the environment and nature and participate in environmental protection campaigns.

We hope that more young Chinese can contribute to environmental protection, and welcome them to participate in the beach litter picking activity, which will be the first step and the most practical action for us to take care of the beach.

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