
News, information and updates about our organization and our activities.

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A Success for the Chinese Community

Last Friday we delivered all donations received so far from the Chinese Community to Swansea Asylum Seekers Support (SASS). Over a hundred items were donated; spaghetti, jumpers for babies, and…
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Seasonal Health Talk

Seasons change from summer to autumn will cause emotional changes to us, which is called “SAD – Seasonal Affective Disorder”. Autumn or winter sadness is what happening now. BUT we…
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Home Fire Safety Talk

Big thanks to Gwasanaeth Tân ac Achub CGC / MAWW Fire and Rescue for providing such an amazing fire safety workshop to our community and a lucky draw hamper for…
Care for Our Beach Leaflet 3

Beach Clean

Litter Picking at the Beach in Swansea Following our effort back in August, to promote Care for our beach, we were thrilled that some parents and their children offered to…
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Glaucoma Awareness

Older people and those from certain ethnicities including Chinese are at greater risk. A guest speaker from Glaucoma UK will share with us how we can prevent, protect and treat…
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First Aid & AED Training

We are so pleased that The First Aid & AED Training was carried out successfully. We thank St John Ambulance Cymru and Caredig Swan Gardens for holding this for the…
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Dementia Research on Chinese in the UK

CIWA is helping to promote research for dementia within the Chinese community. One in 14 people aged over 65 years have dementia in the UK. By 2026, an estimated 20,000…
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Care for Our Beach

What’s happening? Climate change warms the ocean that causes a rise in sea level and changes ocean currents. Greater carbon dioxide in the atmosphere causes acidification in the ocean and…
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Nutrition Talk

Let’s talk about nutrition! A fruitful and fun day, big thanks to Hannah from SCVS who delivered the talk in a lively and interactive way. Participants were made aware of…
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