Family Garden Day - Sustainable Food / 家庭田园派对 - 可持续性食物
Sustainable* Food and Family Garden Day was carried out to promote sustainable food among the Chinese community. We invited Mary from Bwyd Abertawe to talk us through the Sustainable Food Places Framework & Swansea Food Charter which content was useful to allow the participants to know the food they eat and buy has a significant impact on our wonderful planet.
可持续性*食物家庭田园派对为华人提倡持续性食物的概念。我们邀请来自 Bwyd Abertaw 的 Mary介绍持续性食物架构和斯旺西食物宪章,其内容让参与者知道我们每天所吃的食物给我们的地球带来很大的冲击。
The talk was followed by a quiz to enhance what was learnt.We split the Parents and Children into two groups to compete with each other, here are the comments they gave at the end of the quiz:
Do not waste food
Buy sustainable food
Buy from local farmers / help local community grower
Turn from low cost to true cost
Support local businesses
Buy organic
Grow our own food
Saving food since there are lots of people who don’t have enough food
Look for Fairtrade** sticker on foods products
Don’t buy more than you need
此问答游戏获胜的队伍是小孩团队!他们获得华协的精美扇子,当下的闷热天气正合适;孩子们看到父母因输了而受罚感到特别兴奋。And the winning team was the CHILDREN! They were presented with CIWA’s own fans; perfectly ready for the upcoming summer heat, and amused to see their parents being punished for losing.
In order to uderstand our diet habits, we let the participants do a voting activity, and here is the result from our 32 votes that day:
1.Where do you prefer to get food from / 您比较喜欢从哪儿购买食材:
74% prefer to buy from the supermarket / 超市
13% prefer to buy from local farmer / 本地农场
13% prefer self-grown vegetables / 自己种菜
2. What do you prefer / 您倾向于 :
62.5% chose to cook themselves/ 自己煮饭
37.5% chose to eat at restaurants/ 在餐馆吃饭
0% chose to order takeaway / ready meals/ 点外卖或速食
From the above, we obviously need to support the local produce more. If we can harvest our home-grown food, it will certainly bring us more satisfaction and happiness.
Everyone commented that it was a very meaningful event. Thanks to our volunteers who prepared delicious food and we practiced what we preached, i.e. all food was finished!
** 公平贸易 – 给工人合理回报,没有剥削工人权益,爱护大自然以及安全的工作环境下所生产的食物。
– 由于场地的更换,我们为无法在田园进行此活动而感到遗憾。但是,如果你有兴趣参观市中心的菜园,我们很开心为你安排。有意者请联系华协的福星。
*In 1987, the United Nations Brundtland Commission defined sustainability as “meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” Today, there are almost 140 developing countries in the world seeking ways of meeting their development needs, but with the increasing threat of climate change, concrete efforts must be made to ensure development today does not negatively affect future generations.
**Fairtade : Fair Pay, No Force Labour, Protect the Environment and Safe Working Condition.
– We regret that we could not carry out this activity in a garden. However, if you would like to pay a visit to the local vegetable garden, we are pleased to arrange for you. Get in touch with FooSeng if you are interested.